2025 - 2026

FEET offers homeschool co-op classes for preschool through 9th grade,
as well as a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers.



Instructor: Nikki Klingl
Class Length: 3 hours / 15 meetings
Description: A perfect blend structured activities and lots of free play. Nursery caps at 8 children.

Each child will receive a storage bin to hold the necessities (i.e., bottles, diapers, wipes) as well as a few favorites (like blankets, stuffies, and pacifiers). Parents are responsible for diaper changes as needed.

Class size is limited to 8 children.

 Pre-K 3/4 & 4/5

Instructors: Anna Kramer & Mary Remer
Class Length: 3 hours / 15 meetings
Description: Kids need to know that a big God loves them so, so much. To that end, these classes are a resource for parents and a welcoming place for children that nurture the spiritual, social, cognitive, and physical development of preschoolers.

Preschool-aged children learn exceptionally well through play, but also benefit greatly from structure. Each day in class there will be a regular routine that includes plenty of free play, physical play, and cooperative play, as well as group listening time, art, music, science, and a Bible lesson.

Class sizes are limited to 8 students.


Instructor: Wendy Walker
Class Length: 3 hours / 15 meetings
Description: Using the Five in a Row curriculum, each week Kindergarteners will read a quality children’s story that will serve as the launching point for a variety of geography, social studies, art, and science lessons. Parents will receive a letter each week outlining the lessons and activities.

Class size is limited to 10 students.

Elementary Class Schedule

1st & 2nd

9am | Gym

10am | Science

11am | Art

3rd & 4th

9am | Science

10am | Art

11am | STEM

5th & 6th

9am | Art

10am | STEM

11am | Science

Elementary Class Descriptions

Elementary classes are limited to 22 students each.

 Science: Astronomy / Weather

Instructor: Julie Von Vett
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: If you were to study astronomy from a secular book, it would lead you to believe that the universe evolved over millions of years. If you were to study astronomy from a Biblical creation perspective, you would see the design features in these heavenly orbs. The sun, moon, and stars truly declare they were made by Him and for Him. We will also study weather. Weather is part of the system God uses to preserve and nourish His plants and animals, thereby making this planet livable for humans. By observing nature’s order and beauty in weather, we learn much about God. 

6-year Science cycle: Botany, Geology, Astronomy/Weather, Animals, Flying Creatures, and Human Body


Instructor: Lindsy Paurus
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: Students will learn about art history and different techniques used over the years through the “Meet the Masters” art curriculum.  Students will learn about line value and crosshatching, color value and shading, positive and negative shapes, texturing and more. Each student will get a chance to create their own artwork using the different techniques of each of the artists we study using a variety of mediums. During our first class, in addition to an introduction to the course, each person will be creating a portfolio to hold their artwork for the year.

Gym: 1st & 2nd Grades

Instructor: Ryan Hannay & Jarrod Klingl
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: 1st and 2nd graders in Gym class will enjoy the chance to participate on a team, learn sports concepts, and exercise their bodies.

STEM: 3rd - 6th Grades

Instructor: Kristin Ross
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: In this elementary STEM class, students explore the foundational concepts through hands-on activities and interactive lessons. The class fosters curiosity and critical thinking by encouraging problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity. Students engage in projects that apply real-world concepts, develop technical skills, and understand how these principles connect to everyday life. This class nurtures young minds to become future innovators and thinkers, with an emphasis on exploration, discovery, and fun learning experiences.

Middle School Class Schedule


Institutions 101
with Jake Young


with Chelsie Ofsthun


with Chelsie Ofsthun


Chem in the Kitchen II
with Kayleigh Wuollet

Middle School Class Descriptions

Institutions 101

Instructor: Jake Young
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: Institutions 101 will serve as an introductory civics course that also covers several key industries and segments of infrastructure that help our nation succeed and grow. Institution origin, history, function, and organization will be discussed for each topic. All students will have at least one opportunity to perform preliminary research and present one of the topic areas during class (2-4 hours of work).  There will also be quizzes done at home during the weeks between meetings (20-30 minutes).


Instructor: Chelsie Ofsthun
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: Using Nomad Press’s Inquire and Investigate series, students will take on social studies from a historical standpoint featuring both world wars. While we navigate this time period we will touch on citizenship/government, economics, & geography through the lens of this era.

Required Curriculum
World War I: A Great War to End All Wars by Julie Knutson (ISBN-13: 978-1619309722)
World War II: From the Rise of the Nazi Party to the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb by Diane Taylor (ISBN-13:‎ 978-1619306578)

Anticipated HW Load: ~20-30 minutes a day

IEW Writing

Instructor: Chelsie Ofsthun
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: The world is at your fingertips! This theme-based writing curriculum allows students to experience world history through cultural literature and the study of famous people and events while learning to write with the Structure and Style® writing method. Offering a full year of instruction for students in grades 6–8, these lessons cover all nine IEW Units. Vocabulary cards, literature suggestions, and access to helpful PDF downloads are also included.

Required Curriculum

Anticipated HW Load: ~20-30 minutes a day

Chem in the Kitchen II

Instructor: Kayleigh Wuollet
Class Length: 60 minutes / 15 meetings
Course Description: This is not your typical chemistry class. Instead of bunsen burners and algebraic equations we will be using basic kitchen tools and recipes. We will be exploring chemistry concepts through real life cooking and baking. Book list coming soon.

Note: This will be a peanut free class. Other food allergies cannot be accommodated at this time.

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